Thursday 1 March 2018

Just as the green, black and grey number 39 plane was about to take off, a little red topped girl named Emma and her white dog Angel skipped on to the plane happily.  As the number 39 plane took off they held onto their black, leather seats.  They started their flight to Fiji.  Finally they leveled off and the plane calmed down.  They looked out the window and all Emma and Angel saw was a beautiful golden sunrise on the horizon.  When they were on top of the ocean, they heard a unfamiliar noise. Emma cautiously tiptoed to the main window and looked straight ahead.  Alarmed at what she saw, she couldn't help but scream “there’s a tornado”.  Emma tried to steer the plane around but the controls broke off.  Emma was looking around for something that could help them.  Finally she saw two parachutes,  So Emma put one on and also then put one on Angel.  They ran to the nearest door and jumped out just in time.  As they floated down they looked around and made shapes with the cotton candy like clouds.  As they touched the ground with there feet and paws they walked back to there house and went to bed.

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