Thursday 1 March 2018

lost in the snow

Crunch,crunch,crunch Jack and Sarah stomp their boots in the powdery,white snow.  One cold day Jack and Sarah were walking bored to school, but today they decided to go a different way.  Instead of following the long crowded streets with hundreds of cars zooming by which they thought boring so they decided to go a different way, with snow and mountains as tall as the dark, blue sky.  As they climbed up and down the windy mountain trail they stared at the endless midnight, black crevices.  They carefully walked down the mountain until they came to a complete stop.  They saw a huge block of ice blocking the whole path turning around they gasped in shock all four sides were blocked.  They had been trapped in a small space with walls made of ice with no way out!  They were stuck there in a tiny space surrounded by thick ice and snow and everyone thought they are at school.  Suddenly Sarah had an idea “We could use the hot soup that's in our backpack and splash it on the big block of ice to melt it” bellowed sarah.  Thats a great idea cried Jack cheerfully.  So they took their hot soup and poured it over the ice.  It started melting until finally they could step out they were free.  So they plodded a few metres then finally they could hear cars zooming by.  They followed the noise and finally reached the gigantic city. Image result for snowflakeImage result for snowflakeImage result for snowflakeImage result for snowflakeImage result for snowflake

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