Thursday 16 March 2017

eel report

Eels report


When eels begin life they are one millimetre long. They can grow to be two metres long. Eels can have smooth heads but they can become fat and round. Eels have scales like most fish. Eels can have a smooth head
But when they grow they can grow a round fat head.


Eels eat live food.  The little longfin eel lives on the river gravels they eat insect larvae, worms and sea snails.  When they get bigger and are grownups they start to eat fish and freshwater crayfish and even ducklings.


Even though longfin eels are still common Europeans showed an intrest in them fishing commercials and eating.  In 1975 eels were very valubale.  Oceans are being polluted which is bad for the eels.

Life cycle

In Autumn adult eels leave fresh water and swim from new zealand to tropical seas somewhere in the south pacific.  The females release there eggs, the males fertilise them, and the adults die after spawning.  The eggs  hatch into lavae that float to the surface and drift back into new zealand.


Longfin eels mostly live in new zealand and mostly lives in rivers and lakes and diffrent waters. Eels can climb waterfalls.