Thursday 23 November 2017

words for optimus yachting story

Nouns.                                         Adjectives.                              Verbs
1.yachting.                                   1.freezing.                                   1.splashed
2.pandora pond.                           2.soggy.                                  2.capsized
3.tubing.                                       3.bottomless                           3.floated
4.mud.                                          4.crisp.                                   4. Flipped
5.crabs.                                        5.glistening.                             5.bellowed
6.capsize.                                  6.muddy.                                     6.shouted
7.sail.                                            7.damp.                                    7.pulled
8.boom.                                         8.drenched.                              8.heaved jacket.                                   9.saturated.                              9.swam

10.centre board.                            10.windy.                                  10.steered

Thursday 2 November 2017


Winter is silver as the sparkling snow.
It tastes like a cold icecube melting in your mouth.
It smells like a delicous cookie straight out of the oven
It looks like a massive snowman as big as a house.
Image result for snowmanIt sounds like laughing children as they slide down an endless slope.
It feels like warm creamy hot chocolate swirling on my tounge.  

2 sentence poems

Image result for little brown birdsLittle brown birds playing in the sunshine.  Chirping peacefully in my ear.

Image result for golden sunshineThe golden sunshine hit my face like fire.  Gently glowing everything in its path.